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As the School Social Worker, I am available to assist families and students with a wide range of issues and concerns.  If you need assistance with housing, fuel assistance, medical coverage, finding community resources etc. feel free to contact me.

Social-emotional development includes the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (Cohen and others 2005). It encompasses both intra- and interpersonal processes.


The core features of emotional development include the ability to identify and understand one’s own feelings, to accurately read and comprehend emotional states in others, to manage strong emotions and their expression in a constructive manner, to regulate one’s own behavior, to develop empathy for others, and to establish and maintain relationships. (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child 2004)




Here are some suggestions from Save the Children for talking to children about tragedies.  They are based on their extensive experience working with children in times of crises.

For more information visit the Save the Children web site.


  • Limit television time.

  • Listen to your children carefully.

  • Give reassurance.

  • Be alert for significant changes in behavior.

  • Understand children's unique needs.

  • Give your children extra time and attention.

  • Be a model for your children -- they will learn from your behavior.

  • Watch your own behavior and make a point of being sensitive to the crisis.

  • Help children return to a normal routine.

  • Encourage volunteer work -- doing something for others.


Save the Children:   | 1-800-728-3843 | 54 Wilton Road, Westport, CT

Resources to Talk with Students and Children Regarding School and

School Related Violence:


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